Saturday, May 9, 2009

A small-ish rant.

Being a girl is annoying sometimes. It's great for many reasons, least of all because you require no justification to spend entire days watching Project Runway Canada, and because the clothes are divided into more sections that 'jeans' and 'Tshirts'. But it can also be annoying.

So yesterday I went to, as many of you saw, move the fuck out of some wood. Me and another girl, Shannon, were on a mission of plank type proportions. I wasn't really that up for it, to be honest, I have a body honed and finely trained for activities such as hiding in a small cupboard, but massive manuel labour is not really my trump card. However, then the massive guy with the van showed up, and things changed somewhat. One thing to know about me, is that I am ridiculously suscepible to reverse psychology. Its almost embarrassing how easy i am to get. The guy showed up, I let out my breath in a 'oh lets just get it over with' kind of way, he looked at both of us and said 'two girls? two girls are gonna move all this?'
and suddenly I was a freakin gladiator.
Never in my life has wood been moved from a van into a nearby storage faciltiy with such speed and grace. I was so on my game that for a brief second I forgot that Americans don't have have sarcasm and said in passing to the driver 'hey, if any of that is too heavy for you just let me know, I'll slow down.' and he looked at me as if I was literally insane and said 'no I'm fine'. But oh well. You can't win em all.

Within not very much time at all considering we were two girls, the wood didn't know what was going on. It was moved, and there was no fuckin argument about it. Yeah. So to celebrate, me and Shannon went to a nearby bar (it was about 2:30, and we figured there was nothing else really we could achieve we so little of the day left) and ordered beers. And then we stayed there for about 5 hours. Now. The thing is about being in a bar with someone else, I've noticed, is that you can talk to them. Which is great. However, when they have to leave to do an evening job, and you're kind of too drunk to really get up yet, you have two options. You either sit swaying slightly to yourself, humming showtunes, or you damn well talk to the nearest person. And I couldn't really remember any show stoppers at the time. The nearest person to me was an actor, whose name now escapes me. He turned to me and smiled and said something witty about the fact they have free cheesepuffs at the bar (you had to be there). I laughed and said something back, and thus it was how conversations generally go. All fine. Now generally my rule with talking to guys at bars is that I can in the 'I have a boyfriend' fact in fairly quickly, and in a non-'GET THE FUCK OFF ME' kind of way, so a 'oh thanks, yeah my boyfriend wears hairclips just like them' type of comment fairly early on, keeps everyone happy. Or so I assume.

Can anyone tell me why boys think girls with boyfriends, when they say they have boyfriends, actually think they mean 'no no this is me being coy, try and hold my hand for no reason and why I take it away put your knee firmly on my thigh.' Perhaps the words I'm saying are the wrong words. Who knows. But its getting kind of tiring and extremely boring. Actor-lets just call him Jed for now- Jed asked me if i wanted to go back to his house for some beers. I couldn't help but notice that we were in a bar, and access to beers, i hoped, was not impossible. He laughed, and said yeah, but the beers at his house would be better. I do what I always do when I find myself in an awkward situation, which was to do my impression of an orc angrily eating a lot of free cheese puffs, and then leave. I went somewhere else, and the entire process began again. I just don't know where I'm going wrong. If i didn't go into bars alone, I would sit in my room and talk to Adrian (it was about time I gave my wall pet a name). But you don't get a lot of women drinking alone in bars, so its not like I can just hone in on a sister and offer to plait her hair. Its a conundrum. But its awfully dull. Boys of the world. Here is an announcement. If a girl is at a bar, and she tells you she has a boyfriend, she is probably not lying for funsies. Oh well. I eventually got home and Adrian was there to comfort me. I fell into bed mumbling 'oh Addy, why are boys so stupid?' Adrian scratched the wall in a comforting sort of way, and made a little eeping sound which I think meant 'go to sleep tarsh. You're drunk. and you've still got your shoes on'. Oh Adrian. You are so wise.


  1. there are bars with single women in them........but i wouldn't suggest it my love. x

  2. Darling, you are a female with a British accent. That ALONE is enough to make you a man-magnet in the USA. The fact that you are also well dressed, friendly, attractive, engage in conversation with strangers, don't smell like feet and are SITTING ALONE means that you might as well have a red light flashing on your head asking to be hit on! Tips for avoiding guys next time - go out with a massive crucifix round your neck, don't shower for a few days, talk in an American accent. xx

  3. You were drunk. In a bar. Alone. In New York.

    Where's your sensible head gone?!

    I may have to have a word with your mum about this...

    I think you should make it your sole mission to get a photograph of Adrian before your time in New York is up. xxx
